Synchronization rules in Tripletex Read more about how the synchronization takes place between Svenn and Tripletex. Carmen Erala
After the Tripletex integration is switched on in Svenn, there is a two-way synchronization of all projects, customers and employees.
This means that any changes you make to these elements in one system will automatically be updated in the other.
Below, it is described in more detail how the rules for the synchronization apply.
Do you want to get started with Tripletex? In that case, read this article.
Synchronization of projects
If a start date has not been set for the project in Svenn, the project will not be synchronized. This is because Tripletex requires a start date.
Subprojects are not synchronized. Tripletex only allows a unique ID per project, while Svenn allows using the same ID. This may cause errors in the first synchronization. We are working on a solution here, and until we have found a solution, subprojects will not be synchronized.
Internal projects are not synchronized when created from Tripletex.
Synchronization matrix:
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
Project completed
Project ended
Project deleted
Nothing happens
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
Project ended
Project completed
Project deleted
Project completed
Synchronization of customers
We only synchronize customers who have numbers as customer ID.
We do not synchronize inactive customers.
Tripletex does not allow Svenn to set a customer to inactive. Therefore, a customer must be set to inactive from Tripletex, when the integration is switched on.
Synchronization matrix
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
Customer set to active
Customer set to active
Customer deleted
Customer not deleted in Tripeltex. If you make changes in Tripletex on this customer, it will not be synchronized. We can restore the connection again if desired in the future. Take contact with our support.
Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.
Customer set to inactive
Customer set to inactive
Customer set to active
Customer set to active
Customer deleted
Customer deleted
Synchronization of employees
If a surname is not set on an employee in Svenn, it will not be synchronised. This is because Tripletex has this required field.
If an employee number (ID) has not been set in Tripletex, Svenn will generate one and update the employee in Tripletex with this ID.
Employees who are inactive will not be synchronized from Svenn to Tripletex. Tripletex does not have inactive status on employees.